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Tony Lécuroux


To briefly introduce myself, I am of French origin, I grew up at the foot of the Hermitage hill. I had the chance to complete my studies at the Hermitage hotel school also, where I practiced my sommelier training there in 2 years, with a discovery of international vineyards in addition to French ones, thanks to the WSET ( Wine Spirit Education Trust ). The latter is an Anglo-Saxon diploma of great renown in the viticulture-wine world. It is a gateway to discover, learn the basics of wine, and why not specialize by going up to the Master of Wine. I personally stopped at level 3. 

Directly after my training, I headed to England to improve my English. I had planned to stay there for 6 months. I had to leave after 3 great years, against the backdrop of Brexit and Covid. I greatly appreciated this period of my life, where I greatly developed professionally speaking. I worked mainly in the North, between Liverpool and Manchester in 2 starred restaurants. I had the chance to carry out a large number of tastings there.

I could never thank my head sommeliers enough, who knew how to be present for me, and pushed me into regular learning. I therefore participated 3 times in the best young sommelier UK (3 finals), passed my CMS advance ( Court of Master Sommelier ), which builds in the same spirit as the WSET, but largely focused on the profession of sommelier in catering. Before leaving, I also received the Gold Medal from the ASI Diploma ( Association de la sommellerie  internationale). These various experiences helped me to build my identity of wine and my vision. I'm proud of it. 

During the COVID, we had to reinvent ourselves because the restaurants were closed. So I took the opportunity to get closer to the winegrowers. I worked in the vineyards during the spring works. This was followed by a Tour de France of the vineyards with my companion, also a sommelier. We met more than 200 domains in 3 months. That's when our desire to share started in our head. But we weren't ready yet. 

Our trip ended in Pauillac, in the Médoc, where we were able to harvest in a Château 1er Grand Cru Classé. An unforgettable experience. and finally, the Covid was longer than expected, which made us stay in this castle for 8 months, where we were in the packaging department. We were able to see the entire profession of "winemaker", and the diversity of skills to produce bottles of wine. 

This Covid experience as I like to call it was a real learning experience and allowed us to rediscover the link between the earth and nature. 

Since then, I have worked in Switzerland as head sommelier in a restaurant 15 in Gault et Millau, between Lausanne and Geneva. A different approach to gastronomy, where I like to tell stories of winegrowers, and my moments of life in the different areas due to Switzerland or elsewhere. 

Today I wanted to share these stories with more people. This is why the idea of the blog came to me during a trip alone with my tent and my bike through the sandstone vineyards of German-speaking Switzerland. 

Good reading to all, and I hope to make you travel in my stories. 

Interview with Tony Lecuroux : Chef Sommelier at Njørden in Aubonne
Swiss Cork

Interview with Tony Lecuroux : Chef Sommelier at Njørden in Aubonne

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